K. S. Infosystems


A complete ICT products counter, backed by full-house support services.


KSInfosystem is the name of a vision and fulfilment of the vision towards simplifying the lives of individuals through its services. The vision turned into action and brought world-class ICT solution to you. Trust us! They are just a few clicks away. Assembling, networking, trade & distribution, consultancy services, annual maintenance contracts the key segments that work hand-in-hand towards achieving and improvising the objective of the company.

We provide software, hardware and AV related solutions in services and in collaborations with other recognized bodies within India and abroad too.

Our Product Range includes:

  1. Desktops & Laptops
  2. Tablets
  3. Multimedia Projectors
  4. Audio-Visual Integration
  5. Interactive White Boards
  6. Attendance Machines
  7. Thin Clients
  8. Security & Surveillance Systems
  9. Storage, Servers, Data centre & Software solutions

Our Services:

  1. Development, installation and upgrading hardware, setting up IT Rooms, conference rooms, A/V Rooms, interactive classrooms, etc.
  2. Annual Maintenance Contract
  3. Installation of Networking Systems
  4. Providing Software Licenses
  5. Setting up of Homeland Security Solutions
  6. ERP Solutions for small, medium and large scale enterprise
  7. IT Solutions PCs, Servers and Networking solutions
  8. Security Systems Analog and IP CCTV Systems & Access Control Systems
  9. Interactive Products, Interactive White Boards, Interactive panels
  10. Interactive slate, PRS systems, POS and Touch Kiosks
  11. Conferencing Systems Video Conferencing, Audio Conferencing, and Data Conferencing
  12. Visual and Display Systems Multimedia Projector, Plasma Display, LCD Display, Data/Video Cubes, Visualizers, Projection Screen, Large LED Display Walls
  13. Audio and Integration Systems Microphones, Speakers, Mixer, Amplifier
  14. Lighting and Control systems, Touch Control Panel & Control System, Lighting Zones and Dimmers

Our Success Stories

What we have done

Revenue Collection: We have understood the need of the hour, innovated and developed an efficient tax system that is error-free and fool-proof.

KS Collect :

A revolutionary software fabricated to address the issues related to revenue mobilization. Its first successful implementation was done in Kumasi, Obuasi, Dormaa, Koforidua, Kasoa, Mankasiem, and Ashaiman in Ghana in 2007.

This is how we conduct operations to make collections in the market:

  1. The collector carries a Handheld Terminal (HHT)
  2. Visits on a specific time interval to the shops
  3. Collects the shop tax from the shop keepers
  4. Enters the data in the HHT
  5. HHT confirms by giving a receipt through an inbuilt printer
  6. Receipt is given only by the MSR identity card swipe
  7. The collector comes to the data centre on specific intervals
  8. Plugs the HHT into the cable
  9. Deposits the cash collected from the shop with a receipt of cash received
  10. The data is transmitted to central location through WEB/Internet

In 2014, the initiative of KSInfosystem towards Revenue Collection got recognition from the WORLD Bank through PRCG. The project was launched in the cities like Kasai and Kananga.

Kasai Occidental Tax Collection Systems

This is how we conduct operations to make collections in the market:

In current scenario, the initiative of the KSInfosystem has managed to replace the written means of tax collection with the technology driven revenue collection process for the government. Kasai Occidental has 60 types of taxes but widely collected taxes are only 34 as they don’t have system to run pending taxes. No tangible and complete data is available for previous years revenue generation details which leads to time consuming means to recover.

KS Infosystems introduced the application of modern information and communication technology (ICT) in revenue collection. The critical areas where the system is most relevant in the collection process are

  • Property Rates/Basic Rates
  • Business Operating Permit (BOP) fees (or Licenses)
  • General Fees:
      • Market Tolls/Stallages Store Rents
      • Lorry/Car Park Fees
      • Hawkers Tolls/Fees
      • Garbage (Pay-As-You-Dump*) Fees
  • Rents:
      • Table-Top Petty Traders Tolls/Fees
      • Kiosk Tolls/Fees
      • Advertising Site Rental Levies
      • Ground Rents


iTicketing & Security Systems

As executed for 26th MTN African Cup of Nations in Ghana, 2008

Unique concept of using technologies used never before for crowd management.

To this date, K.S. Infosystems has to its name the management of the most prestigious football tournament – MTN Africa Cup of Nations (CAN’08) and other tournaments like Zenith Cup, etc. held in Ghana in collaboration with our local partner Turnstile Prints Ltd. K.S. Infosystems undertook the control of the entire stadia gates and printing of entry tickets with unique technologies like RFID chips, holograms & colour coding & for the security at the turnstiles by introducing access cards which were the first of its kind to be used in any part of Africa.

Our networking was undertaken for:

  • 1.4 Million Spectators
  • 120 Turnstile Gates
  • 40 Matches
  • 4 Stadiums

Solutions provided include:

  • RFID paper tickets
  • Central server in each stadium
  • Networking of the gates with central server
  • Access control units of the turnstiles with brackets
  • Matches configuration with mass ticket printing
  • Local & internet ticket sales
  • Unique RFID code generators and decoding
  • POS machine with RFID reader for sale of tickets

Vehicle Tracking

Monitoring application for owner or a third party to track the vehicle’s location.
K.S. Infosystems introduced the device known as GPS Tracker which helps the owner to locate his/her vehicle.

How it Works:

To this date, K.S. Infosystems has to its name the management of the most prestigious football tournament – MTN Africa Cup of Nations (CAN’08) and other tournaments like Zenith Cup, etc. held in Ghana in collaboration with our local partner Turnstile Prints Ltd. K.S. Infosystems undertook the control of the entire stadia gates and printing of entry tickets with unique technologies like RFID chips, holograms & colour coding & for the security at the turnstiles by introducing access cards which were the first of its kind to be used in any part of Africa.

How it Works:

  • GPS Tracker is installed in the vehicles & route to be followed is fed in that device
  • It senses every event of vehicle and immediately communicates various vehicle sensors to the registered users
  • The unit and its components installed in the vehicle are hidden and undetectable
  • The information about the vehicle provided by the tracker can be viewed on electronic maps via internet or specialized software

Other beneficiary areas of application include:

  • Works globally and provides instant alerts around the globe
  • Voice communication to registered users
  • Location identification on map
  • Alert to user on detection of dangerous level of accident rise or fall in temperature
  • The system will work with any GSM & CDMA network
  • Provides complete control over fuel management
    Graphical representation for regular fuel usage
  • Provides detailed reports for driving habits of the driver, distance covered, speed, time taken, etc.

Reports Available:

  • Requisition Details Report
  • Log Sheet Report
  • Vehicle Trip details
  • Vehicle Performance Report
  • Kms. run & Fuel Consumption Report
  • Vehicle Breakdown details Report

Bio Metric & Smart Card Based Payroll Systems

Taking a step towards establishing an efficient management by providing the combination of Biometric & Smart Card enrollment through the payroll application to avoid the proximity attendance

K.S. Infosystems introduced security system named KS Clock which concentrates on full proof security with advanced fingerprint minutiae matching in Ghana 2012. It also keeps the record of employees with all full details.

How it Works:

  • Registration of the Employee through Biometric And/or Smart Card
  • The data immediately goes to the Payroll Software System
  • The Payroll Software System ensures that there is no duplicity of any of the Employees Records
  • This data is directly connected with the automatic time register which cannot be manipulated by the employees

Other beneficiary areas of application include:

  • Reduces proxy of attendance
  • No chance of misinterpretation of timings
  • Data cannot be manipulated by unauthorized personnel
  • Time in and time out can easily be monitored for any employee
  • Data can be transferred via USB Port
  • An option of access via Smart Card and/or Finger Print Impression possible
  • Connected to Payroll Module to generate pay slips automatically
  • Lesser time and manpower to generate salaries
  • Actual overtime spent in the organization can be calculated
  • Any additional benefits to the employees for overtime can be calculated more accurately (if required)

Solutions provided include:

  • Foolproof security with advanced fingerprint minutiae matching
  • Fast 1:N & 1:1 verification speed of 1000 fingerprint matches per sec. and above
  • Almost 100% success rate guaranteed
  • Multiple fingerprints registration per person ensures reliability in extreme conditions
  • Supports both Verification and Identification modes
  • Can generate any kind or format of the Salary Reports as desired by the Customer
  • Highly reliable system
  • Offers Smart Card Integration to ensure the 100% Accuracy

Assembly Plant of Laptops, Desktops & Mobiles

Milestone towards setting up of IT Products Assembly Plant

K.S. Infosystems has set up an Assembly Plant of Desktops, Laptops & Mobiles in Ghana, 2010-2012. The production of Desktops & Laptops is 10,000 each per month and mobiles 100,000 per month approximately.

Manufacturing Unit Includes:

  • Reduces proxy of attendance
  • No chance of misinterpretation of timings
  • Data cannot be manipulated by unauthorized personnel
  • Time in and time out can easily be monitored for any employee
  • Data can be transferred via USB Port
  • An option of access via Smart Card and/or Finger Print Impression possible
  • Connected to Payroll Module to generate pay slips automatically
  • Lesser time and manpower to generate salaries
  • Actual overtime spent in the organization can be calculated
  • Any additional benefits to the employees for overtime can be calculated more accurately (if required)

Assembly Equipment:

  • Automated Conveyor Line
  • Storage Racks With Power Plug
  • ESD Flooring
  • Work Benches & Tables
  • Display Boards
  • Hydraulic trolley’s
  • Storage Bins Conductive
  • Antistatic ESD Tester ( Foot & Wrist strap)
  • Pneumatic/Electric Screw driver sets
  • Bar Code Printers
  • Laser Printers
  • VGA Splitter (Active Passive)
  • Buffing Paint Machine
  • Computer Systems (Testing Setups)
  • Automated packaging & strapping machine

Assembly Equipment:

  • Digital Multi meter (for Repair Cell)
  • 100 MHz CRO (for Repair Cell)
  • Glue Guns
  • Vernier Caliper Digital
  • Soldering stations
  • Barcode Reader
  • Ethernet Ports
  • Controllable Temperature & Humidity Chamber
  • Vibration Tester Horizontal & Vertical
  • Drop Tester
  • Variable AC Power Supply
  • Function generator or special clock generator
  • Power Analyzer
  • Burning chamber

Assembly Equipment:

  • Diagnostic Software
  • Barcode Scanner
  • Headphone
  • Microphone
  • Torsion meter
  • SATA connection card
  • Pneumatic forklift
  • HIOS auto-screws supplied machine
  • Auto-tape machine for acetate coated tape
  • TPK auto-hanger
  • Exchanger
  • HDD copy machine
  • Testers
  • Carbon tape ROHS
  • Protection film

Production Flow Chart for Laptop:

Mobile Repair Training

K.S. Infosystems launched a state-of-the-art technology centre housing the latest mobile phone repairing equipment in The Gambia.

Our unique technology includes application of ICT in mobile phone maintenance, servicing, repairs, assembling and entrepreneurial skills.

What we do?

  • Setup the mobile Training and Repair Center (s)-TRCs
  • Provide the Technical know-how
  • Bring in the trainers as part of ‘Train the Trainer’ concept
  • Provide certification
  • Provide maintenance and support for the centers

Training Methodology:

  • Provide Tool Kits
  • Hands on Training
  • Conduct module & month end tests to assess the training progress
  • Assign grades which will be given part of the certificate
  • Govt. accreditation to the courses will be undertaken
  • Training completion certificate will be provided
  • Certificate holders will get job preferences

Benefits of Mobile TRCs:

  • Creating the Entrepreneur dream
  • Youth Employment
  • Skills enhancement for the sector
  • Tools, equipment and technology transfer
  • Saving common man some money through cheaper repair alternative to costly mobile purchase
  • CREATE- Socio- economic and sustainable development in the country

Programme Details:

  • Duration of the programme: 2 months (1 session = 3 hours)
  • Schedule of each session: 1 hour theory & 2 hours practical’s
  • Trainees per batch = 10

World GSM Work

  • Low Power – At less than 50 watts per village base station, the entire system can be run on solar power — independent of the power grid. No diesel generator is required.
  • Low Cost – A fraction of the cost of traditional GSM base stations; profitable at very low densities and ARPUs.
  • Fully GSM Standards Compliant – Easily links to existing networks, dramatically extending their reach.
  • Self-Contained – With BSC and MSC functionality integrated and deployed in the field on base station towers.
  • Self-Deploying – The entire WorldGSM™ base station packs into boxes and can be transported by simple, local means such as a cart or boat. It is easily installed by unskilled local workers. No buildings, power, air conditioning.
  • Near-Zero Maintenance – update software remotely and perform simple swap repairs if needed.
  • Cascading Star Architecture™ – a unique, modular architecture optimized for low-cost rural expansion; with local switching to minimize backhaul.

For rural deployments, the WorldGSM™ system comprises:

  • Provide Tool Kits
  • Hands on Training
  • Conduct module & month end tests to assess the training progress
  • Assign grades which will be given part of the certificate
  • Govt. accreditation to the courses will be undertaken
  • Training completion certificate will be provided
  • Certificate holders will get job preferences

By cutting costs, reducing power consumption and simplifying installation and maintenance, WorldGSM™ has extended the reach of the world’s operators into markets they could never before serve.

For rural deployments, the WorldGSM™ system comprises:

  • The Rural Site — a Base Station Tower with a 2-TRX RBTS, typically deployed as a hub.
  • The Village Site — deployed on rooftops, with no tower. Uses the 1-TRX VBTS.
  • The MSC and BSC — typically co-located at the end node of the host network.
  • The WorldGSM™ Rural System
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